
Answers to questions about the daily use of on-board navigator

2020-11-03 955

Nowadays, the road conditions are changeable. It is very important to bring a good on-board navigator when driving. But in fact, many car owners do not know much about the on-board navigator. Next, let's introduce the common questions and precautions in the daily use of on-board navigator.

Navigator failure

When using the navigator, do not approach the radio wave, or it may be the equipment with strong radiation, otherwise it may cause the navigator to fail, and it will lead to star search disorder and signal instability after a long time.

Find signal

GPS positioning should be started before driving. Don't start looking for signals when you are already driving. In addition, when looking for signals, you must press the window slightly. It is recommended to stay away from buildings and other high buildings when searching for stars.


Navigator cleaning

If the navigator is a little dirty after a long time, you can use toilet paper or wipe it quietly with a wet towel. Never wash it directly with water or add washing powder, detergent and other washing products to avoid corrosion of the navigator.

Slow search speed

The slow search speed of the navigator may be due to the input fault affecting the search results, or it may be due to the machine. After all, the navigator is not a high-performance computer we usually use, and there must be a distance from the fantasy in terms of operation speed.

Different from the planned road

Owners who often use navigators will ask this question: why do different navigators plan different roads from place a to place B? The current navigator will provide 3-5 different roads when calculating roads, such as high-speed priority, close distance, etc. However, the road accounting and planning rules of different navigators are different, so there will be some differences in the supplied roads, which are normal phenomena.

Article source: Jiangmen vehicle navigator http://m.wj53.cn

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